Currently Reading Currently Finished.

So I’m going to start a new post every time I’m reading a book or just finish it. Sometimes it’ll be every day or once a week or once a month who knows? But you’ll get to see what I’m reading, and what I think of the book. Generally I recommend all the books I read. If you have facebook, please let me know to find you on there (if you like to read) and I can add you, as I have the iREAD application, and it has all the books I’ve (remembered) to put on there.

I’m currently reading: A Katie Parker Production Act 2: On the loose by Jenny B. Jones.
I’ve read the first book to the series and I absolutely love it. The downside to this is that they do talk about “god” a lot. I am a non-believer at this point in my life, so sometimes it’s a bit hard for me to read when they pray as sometimes it’s very cheesy. But so far I’m liking this book, not too much has happened I’m in about the 4th or 5th Chapter.