Someone bought my PB!

18/02/2008 Negg   3,700 NP
18/02/2008 Bottled Light Faerie   3,825 NP
18/02/2008 Bottled Earth Faerie
2,599 NP
18/02/2008 Bottled Air Faerie
3,884 NP
18/02/2008 Bottled Water Faerie
3,085 NP
18/02/2008 Bottled Water Faerie   3,085 NP
18/02/2008 Bottled Fire Faerie
4,921 NP
18/02/2008 Cloud Paint Brush   83,999 NP

Yep Isn’t that cool!! I’ve made a lot of NPS, but I’m not taking them out until I sell a lot of my stuff from my SDB!

Re: 200K w00t!

So an Update to my post on Half Price Day. I RSed an item, “Sugar Bridge” I had bought it for 5,001 nps! Well I originally thought it was 200K, but it turns out it is worth 750K-800K
It’s in my trades if you’d like it.


How Lame!

The Wheel of Mediocrity

The Earth Faerie cannot give Purple_Camo_Gurl an increased level in an ability because you do not have any 😦

Then give me an ability!!